Trained Forms Index

These are the forms I have used in my garden, links alongside each form take you to pictures of the actual plants…

Espalier, multi-tier

A good form for walls and tall fences, or on wires in the open. Suitable for apples, pears or grape vines.

> ‘Sunset’ Apple
> Japanese holly

Espalier, 2 tier

For apples, pears or grape vines, grown on a low fence or balustrade.

> Late Season Apples



A single tier espalier, used to edge beds. Suitable for apples, pears or grape vines.
> ‘Beauty of Bath’ apple


Double Cordon

A compact form for walls and fences. Often seen trained at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees. Suitable for apples and pears.

>’Pitmaston Pineapple’


Triple Cordon

A trident form. Suitable for apples and pears.

>‘Fiesta’ Apple



Ladder Cordon

A modified double cordon where laterals are trained inwards along alternate wires to form a ladder. Suitable for apples and pears.

>An enigmatic Apple


Small fan

Suitable for red and white currents and gooseberrieswhich produce many stems from the base. 

> Current Fans


Large fan

Plums, cherries, apples and pears can be trained in this form. It can easily spread to 16ft (5m) across.

> Cherry Fan
> ‘Concorde’ Pear
> ‘Brown Turkey’ Fig


Alternating fan

By training successive leading shoots to either side a zig-zag pattern is produced. Suitable for plums, cherries, apples and pears.

>‘Golden Transparent’ Gage



Alternate bay

A method of training cane fruit such as blackberry, tayberry, loganberry etc. The canes shown will produce fruit, new shoots appear from the base and can be tied in the other side to fruit next year.

> Tayberry



Standard – soft fruit

It is common to see orchard trees with a clear stem but soft fruit such as gooseberries and currents can be trained as standards also.

> Standard Gooseberries